Add Efficiency to Your Workday
在建行,我们知道您的时间是多么宝贵,尤其是当您拥有自己的企业时. 这就是为什么我们致力于帮助您更聪明地工作,而不是更难与商业银行解决方案,加快您的工作流程,让您可以花更少的时间工作,更多的时间享受.
Online Business Banking
- 查看账户余额和交易24/7
- 当新的电子结单准备好时,接收通知
- Access e-statements up to 12 months
- 下载电子报表永久储存
- Make loan payments
- Safe and secure for your protection
- 消除书面记录和欺诈的机会
Business Online Bill Pay
Never miss another payment
- 免费提供给建行企业客户
- View account balances
- Pay bills around the clock
- Set up automatic payments
- Set up e-alerts and reminders
- Save money on postage or courier fees
- 每月前10次付款免费(0美元).50 each thereafter)
Mobile Banking
Bank securely anywhere you go 24/7
- 适用于所有建行支票帐户持有人
- 适用于您的智能手机或其他移动设备
- 适用于Apple®和Android™设备*的免费应用程序:
- 只需在手机键盘上轻敲几下,你就可以:
- View account balances
- Check transaction history
- See which checks have cleared
- Process transfers
- Make a mobile deposit
- Turn your CCB check card on or off
- Fast, secure and easy to use
*Wireless carrier data rates may apply.
Mobile Deposit
- 对拥有建行支票账户的商业客户免费
- 节省时间,避免不必要的分支机构之旅
- 只需点击几下即可存入您的支票:
- 通过手机应用程序或平板电脑登录建行网上账户,选择“支票存款”
- 按照屏幕上的指示,并确保在支票上签名“建行-仅限流动存款”。
- Deposits received by 4 p.m. 会在同一个工作晚上记入帐吗
- Deposits received after 4 p.m. 会在下一个工作晚上记入帐吗
Remote Deposit Capture
- 利用桌面扫描仪和互联网接入
- 签名,扫描,并将支票发送到银行处理
- 为安全传输而转换为电子图像的支票
- 简化多个办公室或地点的支票处理
- Same day credit up to 4 p.m.; realize funds quicker, accelerating cash flow
- Saves time; the whole process can be done in a matter of minutes
- 减少在文件准备和运输上花费的时间和金钱
- Fewer errors in accounting
- 通过消除纸质支票的流通,降低支票欺诈的风险
- Eliminate office clutter
- Reduce natural waste
- 消除书面记录,最大限度地减少身份盗窃和欺诈的机会
- Simplify record keeping
- View past statements up to 12 months
- 保存和下载语句以进行永久存储
- 当新的报表准备好时,接收电子邮件
Merchant Card Services
- Available to CCB business customers
- 为您的客户提供额外的付款选择
- 接受主要的菠菜体育官网和借记卡,以增加灵活性
- 通过让人们更容易付钱来提高你的底线
- 减少处理时间和人为错误
- Reduce billing expenses
- Easy to use equipment
- Streamline billing and record-keeping